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A B O U T    U S

W H A T   W E   D O 

We help leaders and entrepreneurs find greater resilience, clarity and energy to empower their teams to make the world a better place.

Our Background

We are a team of entrepreneurs, executives, coaches and consultants passionate about bringing out the best in people, teams and organizations.

Over the last 25 years, we have founded and grown companies, supported entrepreneurs, leaders and their teams to thrive and scaled social movements dedicated to the benefit of all.

At the heart of our lives work is the burning desire for all human beings to live with full access to the most powerful resource we have: 

The innate, bright and vast intelligence of our own mind.








Our Approach

We share practices, tools and systems that created transformational results in our own lives, teams and organizations.

In our ongoing research, we:

1) Study, examine and test approaches to optimize human capacity from ancient texts and practices to the latest neuroscience research.

2) Compare their results, effectiveness and scalability.

3) Continually refine a map of fundamental principles with the very best systems and tools for humans to flourish and create a better future for all beings and the planet.

Find out here why we use DzogchenĀ teachings and meditation practice

O U R   T E A M

Meditation Teachers and Business Coaches from Around the World

We combine our experience in business and meditation to create and support extraordinary people, teams, and projects that are empowered by a culture of excellence, insight, and deep motivation to make the world a better place.

Jochen Raysz

25 years of experience in coaching, change management and executive leadership.

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Erik Rosin

15 years of experience in social entrepreneurship leadership roles, consulting and coaching.

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Mikaela Schain

20 years of experience in teaching, coaching and sustainable business development.

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Asaf Chesner

15 years of experience in training, coaching, leadership development, management and operations.

Heidi Tornaas

30 years of experience in project management, finance management, training and coaching. 

Eraldo Genovese

30 years of experience in entrepreneurship, training, coaching, leadership development and management.

Komal Genovese

30 years of experience in entrepreneurship, training, coaching, leadership development and management.


Ziji Rinpoche

Holder of two major Dzogchen Lineages. Five decades of innovation in leadership, business, computer science. 

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Accelerate Your Conscious Leadership

Discover how to develop and integrate your practice to find deeper presence, greater resilience, clarity and energy for the things that really matter.

Learn how to effortlessly inspire and align your team, and make your organization an empowering platform to change the world.

Book a Free Exploration Session